Wednesday, November 28, 2018


What I thought was a nightmare
was a dream come true...

I'm glad as I look back
at what I didn't do...

At the time it was security
where I thought I should be...

Until I felt betrayed
and they no longer needed me...

Now, as I live each day
exactly how I choose...

I see how happy I've become
sometimes you win when you lose.


Released -
from the chains
I had always known...

Departed -
from the smallness
and now that I have grown...

Happy -
is the way
I can live each day...

Never -
does the clock
beckon me to stay...

Privacy -
surrounds me 
there is no rat race...

Relaxed -
sipping coffee
in my favorite place...

Refreshed -
about my life
and what I get to do...

Thankful -
for the man
who makes it all come true.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


It actually wasn't
I remember it quite well -
I actually didn't
I awoke from the spell...

I'm glad I don't
and never will again -
no one in the mirror
no having to pretend...

Never will I
relive that mistake -
I have learned what
is real and what's fake.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Yes, I saw you
and no, I didn't mean to...

Had I known you were there
I would have gone anywhere...

except where you would be
and I know you saw me...

Now I can clearly see
I'll never bother to be...

anything ever to you
I am ice cold blue.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


It dangles as
the devil shakes the bell -
summoning the weak
to enter into hell...

blinded with the light
of how it would be -
to be done with it all
and quite easily...

to never have to see
the sun rise up again -
to follow that dark tunnel
until you find the end.


Be careful who you trust
not everyone is your friend -
be careful who you believe
don't let just anyone in...

Be careful who you think
will be there for you -
be careful what you share
don't tell them what you do...

and when you've been betrayed
there's nothing left to say -
push them out of your life
and run like hell the other way.

Monday, November 19, 2018


The slate
is wiped clean -
it didn't mean

Just a detour
I suppose -
I was stupid
and didn't know...

That people come
just to use you -
take your help
and confuse you...

Get what they can
then they are gone -
you learn your lesson
and you move on.

Friday, November 16, 2018

White Roses

It's the second
Thanksgiving holiday -
since you had
to go away....

and even still
to this day -
I have to catch
my breath and say...

You won't be there
with your dressing -
to share your hug
and your blessing...

You were a gift
yet, always giving -
I wish from my heart
you were still living...

The last thing said
by you and me -
was I love you
such a treasured memory.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


If it isn't one thing
it's a-fucking-nother -
and as I add it up
I have to run for cover...

Wasn't it Thoreau who said
the house owns you -
I'm starting to learn
exactly what he knew...

Maybe I'm confused
on the American dream -
because one more bill
is all I've woke up and seen.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Make sure
not to sugar coat
soured memories...

Hindsight can
make you blind
to reality...

Selective thoughts
can fool your mind
to believe what isn't true...

Remember with
each choice you made
you chose what's best for you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Bye bye beemer
hello hummer -
it's going to be great
by the lake this summer...

changing everything
that I have wanted to -
making my life
all shiny and new...

out with the old
as I throw it all out -
in with the new
that's what it's all about.


I suppose I've written
my own special chapter -
as long as it's followed
with a whole lot of laughter...

because that's what matters
in this sea of life -
to spread some happiness
and eliminate the strife...

Just be a nice person
that can bring people joy -
to share a smile
when someone's in turmoil...

I think I've found
the secret to happy times -
to cherish who I love
and know they are mine.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Take 2

It just happened
I found myself again -
watch out world
the bitch is back within...

My smile just shined
my heart beats a new -
my strut just strutted
no more feeling blue...

I've just beat
whatever held me down -
I've come full circle
the girl is back around.

Thursday, November 08, 2018


I'll give it my all
that's all I can do -
and trust that all
my dreams will come true...

Every day I awake
I'll look for a way -
to find the meaning
in every day...

and work towards all
the goals I know -
will become a reality
if I get up and go.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018


I'm choosing
to believe -
in everything
I will achieve...

I'm choosing
to smile at how -
everything will
work out now...

I'm choosing
to say a prayer -
and thank God above
that he is there.

Monday, November 05, 2018

Wrong Decision

Quit looking
at what is gone
and see what's here...

amazing friends
and experiences
of who I hold dear...

So a few mistakes
are now gone
and they needed to go...

deep inside I saw the truth
and so
I already know...

I didn't need them
and they didn't belong
this was the path all along.


Hitting the refresh
and moving on -
letting go of all
of what is gone...

Changing everything
and starting new -
what else could
I possibly do...

That's ok
and that's alright -
another day after
another hard night...

but I got this
and I can smile -
no longer living
in any denial.

Sunday, November 04, 2018


You want me out
I'm out -
never again
sweet friend...

won't bother
to talk to you -
I so get it
it is through...

Sorry that
I actually cared -
waste of time
as you're not there...

don't even worry
add to the list -
of a past mistake
that I'm done with.

Saturday, November 03, 2018

Highlight Bling

I almost did
and stopped myself -
in a moment of weakness
with my self help...

Sometimes I guess
the memories arise  -
and I remember them
with innocent eyes...

but now I have to
see what is real -
and leave it behind
so I can finally heal.

Thursday, November 01, 2018


I think I did
but now it's gone -
I woke from a lie
and had to move on...

but I was there
and so was my heart -
until it all went
and fell apart...

I should have known
from the very start -
to never ever
believe in my heart.


One year ago
I headed to bed -
without a clue
of what was ahead...

So many things changed
since that day -
I got in my car
and drove away...

head held low
staring at the ground -
what was there
is no longer around...

Many tears shed
my heart torn into -
a part of me died
and a part of me grew.