Wednesday, October 31, 2018


I don't care
at all anymore -
who stays or goes
that's for sure...

I won't put hope
in anyone -
those days of believing
in someone are done...

I don't care
if they all go away -
I will survive
and live anyway...

Like me or don't
stay or leave -
in my own self
will I believe.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


What goes up
must come down -
some people leave
some stick around...

Sometimes life
is a tear filled pain -
sometimes you feel
like dancing in the rain...

when your heart
has been broken into -
pick the pieces up
and add a little glue...

and hold onto
the promise of a new day -
knowing you'll make it through
whatever comes your way.

Sunday, October 21, 2018


Now is the time
I'm getting it together -
and making moves
that will last forever...

I'm coming full circle
and moving ahead -
I'm following the path
that I have been led...

So many things
are coming through -
I realize now
there's nothing I can't do.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Karma B

as I watch it unfold -
this entertainment
never gets old...

when they face
what they really are -
and are left
with a really bad scar...

suck it up buttercup
as I said it would -
do unto your neighbor
like you actually should...

and you wouldn't be
in this hot mess -
but I'm laughing out loud
I must confess.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


I am so
so very glad -
I no longer have
what I had...

Someone that
took me down -
I'm glad they are
no longer around...

and I can see
through a new lens -
I was so stupid
way back when...

I let someone
who didn't count -
decide on my worth
and my amount.


There were times
I thought I wouldn't -
there were days
I believed I couldn't...

Yet through it all
I've seen the real deal -
no matter what happens
I will always heal...

Even through the hardest
blows that take me down -
deep inside my soul
I pick myself up off the ground...

and move forward
when I think it's a dead end -
and put the storms behind
it's the only way to win...

and become everything
that God wants me to be -
no matter what happens
I know he's there for me...

The world can be cruel
and just throw me away -
yet I will always rise up
and believe in him each day.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


The rain comes down
and washes my past away -
I am so renewed
as I welcome the new day...

no more dealing with
what isn't meant for me -
a new season brings
exciting things to see...

for the first time
in quite a few years -
I am rescued of
what brought me tears...

I have learned to
smile at what needs to be -
and it has led to
freedom to be happy.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Sipping Coffee

I would hate you
but that would hurt me -
taking up my thoughts
and sucking my energy...

So I'll just sit back
and wait for the day -
that you get what's coming
and I smile and say...

I knew it would come
and slap you in the face -
when the karma you deserve
puts you in your place.

Thursday, October 11, 2018


There is no one
who needs to know -
how I feel
or where I go...

I'm learning that
it's my own mind -
that will decide
what is behind...

I'll keep my thoughts
all to myself -
without their views
without their help...

I've closed those doors
and walked away -
Now I have nothing
left to say.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


I'm asking
for strength
to carry on...

I'm asking
for hope
that is gone...

I'm asking
for belief
in a brighter day...

I'm asking
for stress
to go away.

Monday, October 08, 2018


Just don't
because I won't -
I have no plan
to ever again...

Put myself
in the way -
of anyone
who ruins my day...

I will hide
and trust in me -
the past is gone
and I am free.

Sunday, October 07, 2018


I'm going
to get it together -
some I will bind
some I will sever...

I'm going
to make myself smile -
it's been long enough
no more denial…

I have to make
this future bright -
and I will try
with all my might.

Saturday, October 06, 2018


Where you went
just stay there -
don't act like
you somehow care...

Quit thinking
there's anything -
go and take
whatever you bring....

I'll be fine
I'll finally sleep -
I never realized
it could be so deep...

as I rebuild
my aching heart -
never again
will I fall apart.

Friday, October 05, 2018

Great Things

I'm definitely
going to make it -
No more
having to fake it...

Great things
are coming through -
I'm learning
what I must do...

To break away
from the bad -
and escape the
negative that I had...

Embracing all
the shiny new -
as great things
are coming through!

Monday, October 01, 2018


I'm ok
with the quiet -
I survived
the actual riot...

I learned
and went away -
got on my knees
and learned to pray...

I'm healed
of the pain -
my self-esteem
I can regain...

as I try
to understand why -
I do the things
to make me die.