Sunday, September 30, 2018

Back Space

out of my life -
I'm not your girl
and not your wife...

I'm so glad
that it is done -
you weren't cool
and I wasn't the one...

who really cared
a thing for you -
I'm thankful
we are through.


I don't
anymore -
actually no one
for sure...

I did
I suppose -
but that's how
life goes...

and clear -
of emotions
held dear...

and a wall -
I have built
sky tall.

Saturday, September 29, 2018


Yes I do
wish for you -
all the karma
you put me through...

You're not good
in fact you're bad -
I hope you reap
all that I had...

I see your face
and it makes me smile -
for it will come
it might take a while...

Just be prepared
with that heart so cold -
it will come back
and it will be three fold.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Dirt Roads

The journey
long and uphill -
yet as I climb
I've learned to feel...

Not everything
will last forever -
ties will bind
and ties will sever...

I have to believe
in God's plan -
and learn to believe
in who I am...

I have to let go
of the wrong choices -
while listening to
the right voices.


I didn't even
want that time -
It's done and
I am fine...

I'm not sure
what happened there -
I no longer have
strength to care...

I guess growth
comes in many ways -
sometimes it takes
your hardest days...

to lead you where
you need to be -
and make decisions
best for me.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

September Rides

Do you still ride
horses beneath the sun  -
when life was new
and we had just begun...

To learn all of what
it meant to be alive -
how I would love
to go back and ride...

with you in the front
and me holding tight -
smiling and laughing
such a beautiful sight...

It all started
when I found your ring -
where did the time go
and what did it bring...

So many mistakes
so many heartbreaks -
we didn't know then
how life would take...

the wind from our sails
and our innocent minds -
this evil world sure
changed over time...

I miss those days
and what we used to do -
from deep in my heart
I very much miss you.


Just scrolling
and it stung like a bee -
I saw the picture
and it should be me...

I let them take
my pride away -
I so regret
that horrible day...

Never again
will I let someone -
help me do things
that can't be undone...

I'll put the blame
all on me -
for blinding myself
to where I couldn't see.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Laying Bricks

Even in my dreams
I hid away -
regretting that I ever
saw the day...

That my decisions
were wrong for me -
maybe it happened
so it will be...

I never again trust
belief in what I see -
as I build the wall
to protect me.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

No More

Never ever
ever again -
I'm not your girl
and I'm not your friend..,

Just go
where you already went -
I've wasted too
much time and spent...

more than enough
time on you -
I'm so glad you're gone
I'm through.

Story Book

Just freaking
amazing wow -
glad to see
I found out now...

There really is
no one there -
to believe in
or actually care...

Anything about
your life -
goodbye and
to all a good night.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Parking Spot

No it doesn't
cross the mind -
of anything
that was left behind...

the pizza
or the funny show -
when they decide
it's time to go...

the heels or all
the thoughtful ways -
you tried to give
them better days...

so go on and let
them disappear -
because they
didn't belong here.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Yes I've found
that it's true -
some people come along
just to use you...

Then you watch
them tear your life apart -
messing up your mind
and breaking your heart...

While you're left
to pick up the sky high pile -
of everything that's broken
trying to find your smile.

Monday, September 17, 2018


In the back
just like that -
pushed deep
a surprise attack...

but I got it
out of me -
and forged ahead
the chains are free...

I found it's true
and I see -
it wasn't someone
meant for me...

because someone
who deserves my time -
would never attack
me from behind.


No thanks,
I'll pass -
put your foot on the pedal
and push the gas...

Go really far
like another state -
and don't look back
enjoy your fate...

because you make
me shiver inside -
I'm so glad you're gone
and pushed aside...

you were a fake
and full of lies -
so enjoy your life
and goodbye.

Sunday, September 16, 2018


I guess I
just wonder why -
but I see
I didn't die...

why did the road
twist that way -
as I wonder
what did I say...

It seemed so easy
to walk away -
as the color red
fades to grey.

Friday, September 14, 2018


The door closed
slammed from behind -
I woke up one day
to a new mind...

No longer willing
to be anyone's mat -
I forged ahead
so done with that...

No longer able
to even care -
who had left
or who was there...

I picked myself
up off the floor -
and closed the door
forever more.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Bread Crumbs

I just can't see
the forest for the trees -
I just can't seem
to set myself free...

I can't even face
any more bad news -
or another broken heart
that leaves me with the blues...

I don't understand
what I did anyway -
I've gotten on my knees
God knows I pray...

I know in my heart
I've tried every day -
I just can't see
how I lost my way.

Monday, September 10, 2018


Funny that
I actually do -
from my heart
I hate you...

I wish you
the worst luck -
and no I couldn't
give a fuck...

I hope you meet
all your karma too -
you deserve it as
I fucking hate you.

Friday, September 07, 2018


I won't anymore
because I don't care -
I won't search
trying to find what is there...

I'm so glad
it is all in my past -
I won't try to make
the memories last...

In fact already
they are fading away -
I wish I never went
that very first day.

Thursday, September 06, 2018


Full circle
with a twist -
who knew it would
turn out like this...

the latest lips
that made me come -
are from where
I had first begun...

Now I know
I'll make it through -
with the ones I want
who want me too.

Tuesday, September 04, 2018


She ran
ran so far away -
to hide from
the tears of that day...

to empty all
the vain attempts at love -
to realize she
has all she's dreaming of...

to walk away
from voices not to be -
the guidance to
where she will be free.


I knew,
and now I know -
enough to let it
all go...

I was shown
the whole story -
before I had my
fall from glory...

when what is said
and what is done -
are different things
I was the one...

who figured out
and turned away -
I'm so thankful
for that day.

Monday, September 03, 2018


You hurt me
it won't happen again -
I have the insight
for my heart to win...

My own smile
My shattered self esteem -
when you're gone
you don't mean a thing...

so don't try
to act as though you care -
because when you do
you'll see that I'm not there.


It's fresh
and it's new -
doing what
I want to do...

Letting go
of what's behind -
taking control
of things this time..

Glad to see
some are here -
glad to know
that this year...

I will be
free and clear -
from those who don't
belong here.

Porch Light

Like the plaque
I ran away -
can't even try
to face that day...

afraid of what
I might see -
afraid sometimes
to just be me...

Hidden like
a quiet mouse -
tucked away
inside my house...

No I can't
come out to play -
once they're gone
leave it that way.

Sunday, September 02, 2018


I could not care -
you never were
even there...

Just a user
with a smile -
who I believed
in denial...

Now it's gone
what never was -
I'm going to change
just because...

I won't let trash
rot my head -
I won't hope for
what is dead.

Saturday, September 01, 2018


Will they choose
to give into their sin -
or will they decide
to let the angels win...

Will they act upon
all their fleshly desire -
or will they gamble
on the promised scripted fire...

Will they bow their heads
and seek in prayer -
for deep inside us all
we knew he was there...

or will they choose
to look away with pride -
and turn their back on
the son he sent that died...

to take our place
when death becomes real -
as we stand before our Lord
where every man will kneel.