Friday, August 31, 2018


When something
is not meant to be -
fate will let you know
so you can be free...

The truth always
somehow makes a way -
to make sure you
are not led astray...

When the door
is closed nice and tight -
you can be assured
it was what was right.

Thursday, August 23, 2018


It's strange that
I don't care anymore -
I'm free from all
of what happened before...

I don't love
or even like who is gone -
I can't believe
I let that all go on...

It makes me sick
when I see their face -
stupid things I did
I can never ever erase.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


I try as
I look up the hill -
holding my cup
and trying to fill...

it up so high
it will overflow -
and cleanse my heart
so that I will know...

I tried my best
choosing the right ways -
that led me to
my happiest days.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


The pick
and the ice -
what now is cold
used to be so nice...

it was dead -
because it knew
where it was lead...

Stares that show
empty eyes -
all the shadows
to despise...

Nothing left
and nothing there -
the chill left it
lifeless and bare.

Sunday, August 19, 2018


but was already gone -
never again
will I keep on...

trying to make
up for those times -
The only choice
is to put it behind.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

White Out

After you
see the lie -
let it go
and let it die...

don't let hate
control your heart -
just move on
don't fall apart...

once someone
proves they don't care -
erase the past
and leave them there.


I see the truth
and I see you -
there is no reason
to go back to...

Just wasted life
and wasted time -
I didn't even think
about what was mine...

I never wanted
to be with you -
and it is something
I will never go back to.

Friday, August 17, 2018


I picked myself up
after the fall -
and realized that I
actually have it all...

I have everything
that I ever dreamed -
I am now living
what had always seemed...

so out of reach
and not meant for me -
yet, here I am in love
happy and free!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


we make mistakes -
you think it's love
then it's too late...

to take back what
you wish you could -
in hindsight
it was never good...

So accept the fact
the bad is gone -
and smile as you
move happily on.


I didn't want it
so I let it go -
now it's a life
I used to know...

the coming time -
where I am happy
and success is mine...

to make all
my dreams come true -
I had to say goodbye
to what I knew.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


When it's time
to let them go -
cut it off
and let them know...

by your silence
you are gone -
that it is time
to move on...

and look back
when it's all done -
happy because
they weren't the one...

You needed
within your soul -
it was time
to let them go.


I don't have
to be on the road
as rain is pouring down...

I don't have
to face anyone
I don't want to be around...

I'm safe and
I am so secure
as I'm tucked away...

I always used
to dream of this
and wanted this each day...

So now I have
what I knew
would happen at some time...

I can let got
and see what's true
and enjoy this life of mine.


I guess the one good thing
I can say...

is that I quietly
walked away...

I didn't force or keep on
with trying...

even though at the time
I was dying...

I kept it all within

I gave it all my own
self help...

I crossed the bridge
and didn't fall in...

I still don't know
what I was thinking then.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


After a while
the constant chipping
leaves you incapable
to feel anything...

As you find
you are only numb
and never available
to feel any pain...

There is no reason
to rise in the morning
or any reason
to try at all...

As you find
you are only existing
because you can't
make the final call.


I will never
see you again -
I've accepted
this undeniable end...

I don't want
to even hear your name -
I've left behind
what was insane...

I won't cry
or look to the sky -
I won't pray
or hope I die...

because you tore
my heart into -
I will never again
see you.

Saturday, August 11, 2018


I'm letting go
I'm moving on -
I'm accepting
what is long gone...

It hurt my heart
it hurt my mind -
but now I see
it was the time...

To move away
and set it free -
those who weren't
meant to be for me.

Friday, August 10, 2018


I guess they can say what
they want to say
it's probably true...

drag it through the dirt
with a big x mark
target to shoot to...

I wish I'd never even met
anyone of them
and it wasn't true...

the things that happened
and the regretful decisions
that I can't undo.

Thursday, August 09, 2018


It wasn't me
It was you -
so glad to heaven
it is through...

I don't even know
how I fell -
into that nonsense
and into hell...

I'm not even sure
what I was thinking -
listening to a no one
my self esteem shrinking...

You are nothing
and now I see -
it was you
it wasn't me.

Monday, August 06, 2018


Well well well
what the freaking hell -
you never can know
and you never can tell...

I guess that karma
really does have a way -
of quietly popping up
and surprising you one day...

Just when you think
those that did you wrong -
will never have to face it
and happily go along...

You see for yourself
after they stabbed you in the back -
they eventually turn around
and get their own knife attack.

Saturday, August 04, 2018


I've been hurt
lost my self esteem -
been a victim of
the nice and the mean...

Been let go
and walked away -
cried many tears
on many a day...

I'm trying now
to change for good -
to do the things
I know I should...

To repair this heart
and right the wrong -
to do what I wish
I had done all along.