Tuesday, July 31, 2018


No contact
ever again -
not your family
and not your friend...

learning now
there is no one -
I need in my life
or in my home...

I found the truth
and the way out -
protecting myself
without a doubt...

because they
all lied to you -
so never contact
and be totally through.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

It Happened

So very glad that
I weeded the weeds out -
so stupid I see
was me without a doubt...

I can't believe
I lowered myself so low -
now I am amazed at
how far I'm going to go...

with the fluttering wings
and the prayer from above -
I'm done with that darkness
and living what I dreamed of.

Friday, July 27, 2018

The Years

Went through the pictures
So much has changed -
Yet, as I look
Some have remained the same...

Maybe what is gone
needed to go on and go -
and what left with death
was God's perfect choice so...

I have to accept
everything happens for a reason -
some people are for life
and some for just a season...

I can't keep kicking myself
for all the mistakes I've made -
I can't take anything back
with time I supposed they'll fade...

All I can do now
is pursue what is in store -
and learn from all I've lived
letting go of what is no more.

Thursday, July 26, 2018


out of it -
I will get as
good as I can get...

and moved on -
I'm actually glad
that it is all gone...

and relaxing for me -
putting my focus
on where it should be.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Up Hill

If somebody walks
just let them go -
You learned a lesson
and now you know...

They weren't meant
to be there for you -
the season you shared
is officially through...

So onto the next
new lessons to live -
and never look back
they have nothing to give.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Missing You Always

You visited me
last night in my dream -
to eat a hamburger
and you seemed...

quite fine and happy
totally at peace -
I woke from the dream
with complete ease...

but I thought of you
and how I miss your smile -
the day you left
was the hardest in a while...

you made the impression
that will never fade -
the day that you died
was one of my worst days.


So I sit and wonder
what now -
will I survive happily
some how?

Is the road I've followed
good for me -
Do I have an ever after
that is happy?

Did I do the right thing
once again -
how will this crazy story
ever end?

Will I smile and realize
one day -
everything had to happen
this way.

Monday, July 23, 2018


It's quiet,
just the smooth jazz -
I'm learning
to trust what I have...

I remember
the goals from then -
as I apply
putting my life to them...

Cutting ties
with things that held me down -
allowing only positive
to be what is around.

Saturday, July 21, 2018


The power
that heals -

sent angels
to reveal -

how stupid
I've been -

and lost
in complete sin -

then I was
saved -

from those
horrible days.

Thank you God.

Bye Haters

There is
a lot of good
in this cruel sad world...

and I want
to be the shining
good girl...

I'm making
a turning
point finally...

I will
now only
believe in me.

Friday, July 20, 2018


What it is that
I'm failing to see -
is that I am
completely free...

I don't have to deal
with anyone -
I can spend my days
just having fun...

I don't have to drive
in concrete hell -
I don't have to listen
to anyone tell...

me what I
should think or do -
out with the old
and onto the new!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


It's gone
because I let it go...

I've learned
and only I can know...

I've felt
pain and happiness...

I've made
my own type of mess...

I've decided
to start fresh and new...

I'm dedicated
to do all I can do.

Monday, July 09, 2018

Small Seats

Dear God
I'm going to
Florida today...

Thank God
I get to
get away...

and cleanse
and leave it behind...

on myself
and try to be kind...

To my
self esteem
that is ripped away...

Dear God
let me find it
and show me the way.

Sunday, July 08, 2018

Answered Prayers

Just be quiet
disappear -
You'll look back
in about a year...

and see how stupid
you have been -
and feel so silly
to remember when...

you almost threw it
all away -
you'll be glad for this
some day.

Friday, July 06, 2018


You will
laugh again...

You will
be glad for the end...

You will
move on with life...

You will
love being the wife...

You will
feel healthy one day...

You will
be glad you walked away.

Thursday, July 05, 2018


Hated and
manipulated -
verbally abused
more than one time...

Life vest
strapped -
to my chest
to save this life of mine...

Lied to
deceived -
eyes of hate
stabbed from behind...

Truth shines
brightly -
awoken to reality
I'm awake this time.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018


Nothing -
Exactly what
you're going to do...

Never -
look back
it really wasn't you...

Shaking -
I see
what is really true.

Monday, July 02, 2018


You will look back
and see for sure -
this was what you needed
to endure...

It's for the best
as all things change -
and really it doesn't
mean anything...

Except it is
the best for you -
out with the old
and onto the new.

Sunday, July 01, 2018


I deleted anything
to do with you -
the pictures, emails
what we went through...

I closed it all
and shut it away -
it's gone and now
it's a brand new day...

You weren't good
at all for me -
you were about yourself
and now I see...

how you blamed it
all on my mind -
but you were the one
that was the angry kind.


I don't know
what I did -
Stupid decisions

Saw the numbers
and wasted smiles -
living alone
and in denial...

I guess I'll go
and get away -
maybe that
is where I'll stay.


Saw for myself
the outed traitor -
the one who was
the instigator...

the one who said
it's only change -
the one who is
what is deranged...

the one I hope
I never see again -
this chapter has
reached the end.