Friday, June 29, 2018


It can't be over
if it never was -
believing someone
just because...

living a lie
so stupid to see -
the dumbass fool
again was me....

Goodbye sweetheart
you were a lie -
and I can say
finally goodbye.

Thursday, June 28, 2018


It just doesn't
matter anymore -
the water has iced
like never before...

There is no feeling
it is all gone -
I don't even care
what lies beyond...

The eyes are dead
a distant sight -
goodbye to it all
and goodnight.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Moving On

This I promise
to myself -
to never again
feel like I felt...

No more headaches
and broken hearts -
to never care and
just never start...

Never trust
what I hear -
this is now
crystal clear.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Good Riddance

They do not know
and do not care -
so why pursue
what is not there...

In solitude 
I'll find my way -
on my own
until my dying day.

Saturday, June 23, 2018


I'm going
to be alright -
It was with myself
that I had the fight...

Always worried
they didn't want me -
how could I
have lived so blindly...

It was I
who didn't want them -
filled with terror
lost in sin...

I'm actually glad
that I am now free -
the one who was lost
and found was me.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Glass Shards

I won't reach out
to touch anything -
it's the only way
to avoid the sting...

I won't look back
or figure it out -
it's time to learn
to go without...

I won't try
to mend broken glass -
that is shattered into
and would never last...

with only epoxy
to hold it together -
the cut it left
was there to sever...

any attachment
to something not real -
the pain of the cut
left nothing to feel.

Monday, June 18, 2018


Never again -
This my friend
was the end...

who even -
cares anymore
there is no score...

and it will -
be forever
no more.


A new leaf
has turned over -
the spring blew
the past behind...

I have wished
on the four leaf clover -
and I have found
what is mine...

I don't need
what is behind me -
what I've left
is far away...

So I can smile
for in reality -
I have found
a brand new day.