Monday, April 30, 2018


Everything changes
year after year...
in a blink of an eye
what you hold dear...

is gone in a second
leaving you in the dust...
where do you turn
and who do you trust...

Not really sure
what I should think...
sit alone and cry or
crawl in a hole and shrink...

Memories came
but are left far behind...
with everyone's tears
especially mine.

Friday, April 20, 2018


far away
in the past...

I see
parts of me...

coming alive
I can thrive...

to follow
no longer hollow.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Fortune Cookie

I just don't know -
I suppose I'll find out...

What's ahead -
what it's all about...

It was the blind -
that lead the way...

At least I hid -
and went away...

There may be -
a future breakthrough...

To try once again -
is all I can do.

Sunday, April 08, 2018


The fool
looked in the mirror
and asked the reflection...

What have I learned? -

The reflection
looked back said
apparently nothing -

Any success is earned.

Whatever it is
that keeps you awake
or allows you to sleep in peace...

Knowing the difference
between what you want
and what you need -

is what will set you free.