Tuesday, December 26, 2017


There is no place
I'd rather be -
than in my home
quiet and free...

My furry friends
beneath my feet -
the sounds of my home
are so sweet...

Safe and secure
away from the crazy -
my private oasis
to be nice and lazy...

I love to be
just tucked away -
I thank God above
for where I stay.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Crock Pot

Stepped upon
then walked on -
until all trace of
hope is gone...

Pushed quite
far away -
with all of
the perks at bay...

Never meant
much of anything -
a phony life
with a phony ring.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


I actually cared
I don't know why...
the reality is
we're all going to die...

Even the ones
who did you wrong -
who laughed in your face
as they strung you along...

who used you daily
for their own greed -
then threw you away
but you were freed...

from all the stress
and people who should go -
out of your life
that you don't need to know.

So I say goodbye
can't say I miss it -
I believe it is true
I no longer give a shit!