Wednesday, November 29, 2017


It's a chain
it's up to me to break -
It's a cord
there is no no mistake...

It's a weight
I weigh myself down -
It's water that is so deep
you nearly drown...

It's a sprint
to get far out of here -
It's the face of reality
with the face of fear.

Saturday, November 18, 2017


Sometimes you have
to let people go -
they never understood
and they don't know...

So sometimes it's good
to leave them behind -
and move forward
leaving them behind...

Not everyone should be
a happily ever after -
what makes you happy
is the only factor...

When you find
it's time to cut the chains -
break yourself free
and appreciate who remains.


I can't take it back
any of it -
so it's time to learn
to not give a shit...

Say what you want
talk out loud -
I'm still alive
and can be proud...

of a lot of things
that I've done right -
maybe not lately
but that's alright...

I still have time
to win this race -
it ain't over until
I win first place.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thanks Anyway

They were
never the end -
because they were
never your friend...

Just a box
wrapped in a bow -
wanting you
to be the ho ho ho...

but you said
no no no...
and packed your bags
to go.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


I've been lost
for quite some time -
trying to find
the path that's mine...

Trying to see
if I have a place -
staring at the demons
I have to face...

that want to throw
me down the well -
with a one way ticket
into hell...

while an angel
flutters her wings -
telling me there
will be better things...

and not to beat
myself up anymore -
that's not what I'm
on this earth for...

that I have value
just like everyone else -
it's just right now
I need my angels help.

Monday, November 06, 2017


I won't
ever again -
I finally have
reached the end...

Glad to be done
glad to be free -
I don't need you
and you don't need me...

I always knew
because I always do -
for some reason
my thoughts come true...

Now to totally
get rid and let go -
of any lingering person
I don't need to know.

Friday, November 03, 2017

The Bird

Just thrown away -
out like the trash
on another trash day...

Not needed
Not wanted any more -
Not appreciated
shown out the door..

May have been
just wasted time -
as the world moves on
once more left behind.