Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Wish I Could

I really don't want
to be on this planet anymore -
In fact, I can't figure out
why I'm stuck her for...

Rude people
mean faces -
I long to leave
and totally erase...

my carbon footprint
my life at all -
I hate it
and can't wait to fall...

and be dead
and done with it -
I really no longer
give a shit!!

Saturday, September 09, 2017


What do I want?
Do I even know?
Should I stay...
or should I go...

Do I even care
what else is out there -
Just moving along
with the wind and a prayer...

I used to think
there was something for me -
I used to have dreams
I was able to see...

A future so bright
I would wish on a star -
I had so many hopes
that I actually went far...

from an underage mother
with my sweet child in tow -
Yet, I still believed
how could I know...

That it would never happen
I would never have a place -
Maybe my future
is not in the rat race.

Sunday, September 03, 2017


Oh well...
what the hell -
never can say
and never can tell...

Moving on
because it's gone -
Don't rest unless
you stay too long...

Lessons learned
they're surely earned -
because mistakes
leave quite the burn...

I miss those days
before the craze -
but now it's just
a worn out haze.