Wednesday, June 28, 2017


It's two inches tall
and doesn't matter at all -
Just invisible visions
that no one ever saw...

Existing for no reason
a different day a different season -
Only to be used
until the next one is leaving...

Regrets mesmerized
left alone to be despised -
Just one more hanging head
using a smile for a disguise.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


I took a little drive
down memory lane -
reminding me who I am
and I am the same...

Finally getting back
to what is actually real -
of where I should be
and what I should feel...

Sometimes disappointments
get in the way -
that's when you learn
to rely on the day...

when you knew who you were
without a doubt -
and embrace the you
that you can't live without.

Friday, June 16, 2017


It doesn't matter at all
that four letter word -
so much has been emptied
it has been absurd...

Could be a good
million miles away -
none of it matters
at all anyway...

No lesson to learn
no memory to cherish -
just another time
to crash, burn and perish...

the hole was quite deep
just like what will follow -
an emptied out shell
with everything hollow.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


This is where
I want to be -
surrounded by love
and the sweet furry...

away from the world
away from the mess -
this is what I want
I must confess...

all to myself
with all that I love -
this is the life
that I'm dreaming of.

Thursday, June 08, 2017


Questioning it all
while I'm here -
through another day
through another year...

Another saddened state
as confusion abides -
left with the only choice
but take cover and hide...

Will there ever be
peace within the soul -
maybe eventually
when I finally go.

Friday, June 02, 2017


Living on the edge
of more tears -
one more time
after all these years...

I played the fool
and said my worst fear -
now it's just quiet
as I see things clear...

Never again reveal
and avoid all I can -
keeping it to myself
is now the plan.