Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Churn -
as the burn
stings you in the heart...

Sick -
in the mind
as you fall apart...

Once -
more again
feeling it's the end...

Quiet -
in my mind
full of regrets this time.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Never Again

Upwards and onwards
no more you -
don't even know
what I went through...

Finally leaving you
far in the past -
where I can breath
free at last...

Don't know why
I cared so much -
for someone out of reach
someone out of touch...

Someone who's not real
just full of air -
no longer will I see you
no  longer do I care.

Monday, May 08, 2017


No need to care
if it's not there -
and wasting time
is never fair...

You have just one life
don't add more strife -
as you try each day
with all your might...

sometimes it's best
to let it rest -
leave it behind
and never confess...

how it hurt
and made you cry -
sometimes you have
to say goodbye.

Wednesday, May 03, 2017


Why does the spark go
and the excitement die -
when you have moved on
and have no reason to try...

I guess the light always
ends up blowing out -
leaving you to wonder
what it was all about...

and what there is left
to look forward to -
as you watch your life go on
and continue to pass you.

Tuesday, May 02, 2017


I honestly don't
know what to say -
I sort of lost my head
somewhere along the way...

The sun used to set
straight into my eyes -
wearing the blue smock
down to my thighs...

I was so fast
they always said -
hot dogs and popcorn
I can't believe you're dead...

I wondered about you
through all the years -
elbow grease
and broken beers...

and then I left
I guess I quit -
and never saw you again
that was it...

But boy I'm thinking
of the sun in my eyes -
I hope you are at peace
and yes. I cried.