Thursday, February 23, 2017


I can feel the frozen chill
all the way to here -
the silence is quite loud,
the message is quite clear...

The truth may have been muffled
yet it made it's way through -
because fake never lasts
and once again it's true...

When the mask is removed
and you stare straight in the eyes -
you see all you have missed
and you learn from all the lies.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


I dreamed so vivid
I believed it was true -
As I closed my eyes
I believed in you...

Only to awaken
and see the blinding sun -
Peeping through my window
as the night is done...

It was just a vision
just a somber sweet dream -
I wipe my eyes dry
because dreams don't mean thing...

They're just foggy thoughts
not based in anything true -
just mental mind games
that your conscience travels too.