Tuesday, December 26, 2017


There is no place
I'd rather be -
than in my home
quiet and free...

My furry friends
beneath my feet -
the sounds of my home
are so sweet...

Safe and secure
away from the crazy -
my private oasis
to be nice and lazy...

I love to be
just tucked away -
I thank God above
for where I stay.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Crock Pot

Stepped upon
then walked on -
until all trace of
hope is gone...

Pushed quite
far away -
with all of
the perks at bay...

Never meant
much of anything -
a phony life
with a phony ring.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


I actually cared
I don't know why...
the reality is
we're all going to die...

Even the ones
who did you wrong -
who laughed in your face
as they strung you along...

who used you daily
for their own greed -
then threw you away
but you were freed...

from all the stress
and people who should go -
out of your life
that you don't need to know.

So I say goodbye
can't say I miss it -
I believe it is true
I no longer give a shit!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


It's a chain
it's up to me to break -
It's a cord
there is no no mistake...

It's a weight
I weigh myself down -
It's water that is so deep
you nearly drown...

It's a sprint
to get far out of here -
It's the face of reality
with the face of fear.

Saturday, November 18, 2017


Sometimes you have
to let people go -
they never understood
and they don't know...

So sometimes it's good
to leave them behind -
and move forward
leaving them behind...

Not everyone should be
a happily ever after -
what makes you happy
is the only factor...

When you find
it's time to cut the chains -
break yourself free
and appreciate who remains.


I can't take it back
any of it -
so it's time to learn
to not give a shit...

Say what you want
talk out loud -
I'm still alive
and can be proud...

of a lot of things
that I've done right -
maybe not lately
but that's alright...

I still have time
to win this race -
it ain't over until
I win first place.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thanks Anyway

They were
never the end -
because they were
never your friend...

Just a box
wrapped in a bow -
wanting you
to be the ho ho ho...

but you said
no no no...
and packed your bags
to go.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


I've been lost
for quite some time -
trying to find
the path that's mine...

Trying to see
if I have a place -
staring at the demons
I have to face...

that want to throw
me down the well -
with a one way ticket
into hell...

while an angel
flutters her wings -
telling me there
will be better things...

and not to beat
myself up anymore -
that's not what I'm
on this earth for...

that I have value
just like everyone else -
it's just right now
I need my angels help.

Monday, November 06, 2017


I won't
ever again -
I finally have
reached the end...

Glad to be done
glad to be free -
I don't need you
and you don't need me...

I always knew
because I always do -
for some reason
my thoughts come true...

Now to totally
get rid and let go -
of any lingering person
I don't need to know.

Friday, November 03, 2017

The Bird

Just thrown away -
out like the trash
on another trash day...

Not needed
Not wanted any more -
Not appreciated
shown out the door..

May have been
just wasted time -
as the world moves on
once more left behind.

Sunday, October 29, 2017


Be careful who
you give your all too -
because you will find
they just used you...

Taking whatever
they can get -
and then move on
and totally forget...

anything about
what you thought was true -
because they already got
your all from you.

Wednesday, October 04, 2017


What can you do?
Walk around and mope?
Throw it all way -
or hold onto hope...

So what if they're gone
so what if it's done -
It wasn't the right time
or wasn't the one...

Quit hanging on
to what makes you sad -
and move to the future
leaving out the bad.

Sunday, October 01, 2017


Try as I might
I still feel -
with all the regrets
I try to heal...

With all I've learned
and all I've done -
I sit alone
and stare at the sun...

Wishing somehow
that ball of fire -
would clench my soul
and my desire...

Hair blowing
the sunroof open wide -
with a smile on my face
as I ride...

far away
no care at all -
time for a road trip
into fall.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Wish I Could

I really don't want
to be on this planet anymore -
In fact, I can't figure out
why I'm stuck her for...

Rude people
mean faces -
I long to leave
and totally erase...

my carbon footprint
my life at all -
I hate it
and can't wait to fall...

and be dead
and done with it -
I really no longer
give a shit!!

Saturday, September 09, 2017


What do I want?
Do I even know?
Should I stay...
or should I go...

Do I even care
what else is out there -
Just moving along
with the wind and a prayer...

I used to think
there was something for me -
I used to have dreams
I was able to see...

A future so bright
I would wish on a star -
I had so many hopes
that I actually went far...

from an underage mother
with my sweet child in tow -
Yet, I still believed
how could I know...

That it would never happen
I would never have a place -
Maybe my future
is not in the rat race.

Sunday, September 03, 2017


Oh well...
what the hell -
never can say
and never can tell...

Moving on
because it's gone -
Don't rest unless
you stay too long...

Lessons learned
they're surely earned -
because mistakes
leave quite the burn...

I miss those days
before the craze -
but now it's just
a worn out haze.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


Watch it yourself
do it yourself -
I'm not here
for your self help...

No more giving
any of my time -
to any person
who treats me unkind...

I'm not on this earth
to cater to you -
I'll do what the hell
I want  to do...

I really couldn't care
if I see you again -
I'm not your servant
I'm not your friend...

Enjoy yourself
and have a nice day -
when people use me
I just walk away.

Saturday, August 12, 2017


Streets named after them
and still dead -
a life of hopes and dreams
were all ahead...

It doesn't matter the amount
in the account -
because every single person
will amount...

to ashes to ashes
and dust to dust -
no longer in the world
to live with us...

and one day too
there will be -
dust upon ourselves
for eternity.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


It's two inches tall
and doesn't matter at all -
Just invisible visions
that no one ever saw...

Existing for no reason
a different day a different season -
Only to be used
until the next one is leaving...

Regrets mesmerized
left alone to be despised -
Just one more hanging head
using a smile for a disguise.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


I took a little drive
down memory lane -
reminding me who I am
and I am the same...

Finally getting back
to what is actually real -
of where I should be
and what I should feel...

Sometimes disappointments
get in the way -
that's when you learn
to rely on the day...

when you knew who you were
without a doubt -
and embrace the you
that you can't live without.

Friday, June 16, 2017


It doesn't matter at all
that four letter word -
so much has been emptied
it has been absurd...

Could be a good
million miles away -
none of it matters
at all anyway...

No lesson to learn
no memory to cherish -
just another time
to crash, burn and perish...

the hole was quite deep
just like what will follow -
an emptied out shell
with everything hollow.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


This is where
I want to be -
surrounded by love
and the sweet furry...

away from the world
away from the mess -
this is what I want
I must confess...

all to myself
with all that I love -
this is the life
that I'm dreaming of.

Thursday, June 08, 2017


Questioning it all
while I'm here -
through another day
through another year...

Another saddened state
as confusion abides -
left with the only choice
but take cover and hide...

Will there ever be
peace within the soul -
maybe eventually
when I finally go.

Friday, June 02, 2017


Living on the edge
of more tears -
one more time
after all these years...

I played the fool
and said my worst fear -
now it's just quiet
as I see things clear...

Never again reveal
and avoid all I can -
keeping it to myself
is now the plan.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Churn -
as the burn
stings you in the heart...

Sick -
in the mind
as you fall apart...

Once -
more again
feeling it's the end...

Quiet -
in my mind
full of regrets this time.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Never Again

Upwards and onwards
no more you -
don't even know
what I went through...

Finally leaving you
far in the past -
where I can breath
free at last...

Don't know why
I cared so much -
for someone out of reach
someone out of touch...

Someone who's not real
just full of air -
no longer will I see you
no  longer do I care.

Monday, May 08, 2017


No need to care
if it's not there -
and wasting time
is never fair...

You have just one life
don't add more strife -
as you try each day
with all your might...

sometimes it's best
to let it rest -
leave it behind
and never confess...

how it hurt
and made you cry -
sometimes you have
to say goodbye.

Wednesday, May 03, 2017


Why does the spark go
and the excitement die -
when you have moved on
and have no reason to try...

I guess the light always
ends up blowing out -
leaving you to wonder
what it was all about...

and what there is left
to look forward to -
as you watch your life go on
and continue to pass you.

Tuesday, May 02, 2017


I honestly don't
know what to say -
I sort of lost my head
somewhere along the way...

The sun used to set
straight into my eyes -
wearing the blue smock
down to my thighs...

I was so fast
they always said -
hot dogs and popcorn
I can't believe you're dead...

I wondered about you
through all the years -
elbow grease
and broken beers...

and then I left
I guess I quit -
and never saw you again
that was it...

But boy I'm thinking
of the sun in my eyes -
I hope you are at peace
and yes. I cried.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Cross

It's been so many years
since that wooden pew -
and watching the sunrise
service with you...

Hearing you sing out
the old rugged cross -
that stood for him saving
all souls that are lost...

Easter in Ida with
sweet baskets you gave -
eating apple jacks cereal
and the good food you made...

The house smelled so fresh
just like your life -
such a wonderful mother
such a faithful wife...

You always told me
that I was special to you -
Yet, you were my rock
that helped me pull through...

Sickness and chicken pox,
surgery and my son -
I was blessed by God
that you were the one...

He gave to me
to hear about him -
on this holy day
I think about then...

You lived by the good book
and sang I'll fly away -
now you're at his throne
and that's where you'll stay.


Thursday, April 06, 2017


Is there anything out there
that plants the seeds of hope -
that makes the day worthwhile
and it easier to cope...

with day to day distractions
that only stress you out -
and all of the monotony
you'd prefer to live without...

Is there anywhere out there
where the sun kisses your face -
and you sit in total happiness
knowing it is your place...

to finally unwind
and feel happiness that's true -
healing your mind and soul
beneath a sky of blue.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Delete -
Never again deceit...

Ran -
no more will I play...

Hide -
no more paranoid...

Done -
time to move it on.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Rush Hour

Walking through
the waterfall -
just wanna run away
and forget it all...

Leave this mess
in my back seat -
and only meet
who I want to meet...

Don't want to waste
more time on stress -
Don't want to live
in this concrete mess...

If I had a horse
I'd ride away -
and leave behind
this steel highway.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


I can feel the frozen chill
all the way to here -
the silence is quite loud,
the message is quite clear...

The truth may have been muffled
yet it made it's way through -
because fake never lasts
and once again it's true...

When the mask is removed
and you stare straight in the eyes -
you see all you have missed
and you learn from all the lies.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


I dreamed so vivid
I believed it was true -
As I closed my eyes
I believed in you...

Only to awaken
and see the blinding sun -
Peeping through my window
as the night is done...

It was just a vision
just a somber sweet dream -
I wipe my eyes dry
because dreams don't mean thing...

They're just foggy thoughts
not based in anything true -
just mental mind games
that your conscience travels too.