Friday, November 07, 2014


One day I will awake and find
I have stopped -


It will have slipped away like water
through my fingers -

unable to be kept...
unable to be grasped...
unable to be mine...


I will be cleansed and somehow
through its mirrored reflection -

I will find a rainbow
has appeared.


I feel so small
through it all -
from so high up
it was quite a fall...

No safety net
to soften the blow -
the only choice
was to finally go...

The solitude
will embrace the new -
when there is nothing
left to do...

but lick the wounds
that stabbed my soul -
from when I slipped
and fell so low.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014


The finale
and facing regrets -
I didn't know
how to deal with it...

I wasn't strong
and was so wrong -
I acted a fool
all along...

Rain pounding
like my heart -
never knew
it could rip apart...

and leave my soul
torn into -
I just didn't know
what to do.