Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ink Pen

Trying to
get over you -
is like trying to lasso the moon...

Shining on a
beacon of secrets -
buried in unseen doons...

On a wild
white stallion -
overtaken by the wind...

Such an
incredible feeling -
to never feel again...

Washing all over
my body -
drenched by a sensational star...

Leaving me
quite speechless -
this beautiful view from afar...

A poet's cafe
with words written -
throughout all of time...

For love is
what inspired -
the pain for the rhyme.


There's a cost
for living in a dream world -
believing the impossible dream...

For closing your eyes
and seeing things -
which can never be seen...

For hoping beyond
the sky high walls -
for seeing a rope to climb...

For loving what
can never be captured -
for wanting what can't be mine...

There's a cost
for feeling the raindrops -
while searching the ground for a way...

I've found it's
worth more than gold -
for which I have no way to pay.