Monday, December 02, 2013


She stopped her heart
of the pitter patter -
realizing that
it doesn't really matter...

Her hair couldn't quite
reach the ground -
to free her from the castle
where she was bound...

So she gave up
and let it go -
no matter how much
she loved it so.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Moving On

Everything is going
to be ok -
I have a new perspective
on a brand new day...

I'm dusting off
my walking shoes -
with no more time
to sing these blues...

As I shake it off
I won't look back -
I see what I have
not what I lack...

I'm leaving them all
in the dust behind -
I'm moving on
for good this time.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Swept Away

Like glitter
after a party -
lying listless, stepped on by all...

On their way out
without a doubt -
the laughter left within the walls...

Swept up
not needed anymore -
forgotten with the new day...

So shiny
so much fun to see -
and then just thrown away.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ink Pen

Trying to
get over you -
is like trying to lasso the moon...

Shining on a
beacon of secrets -
buried in unseen doons...

On a wild
white stallion -
overtaken by the wind...

Such an
incredible feeling -
to never feel again...

Washing all over
my body -
drenched by a sensational star...

Leaving me
quite speechless -
this beautiful view from afar...

A poet's cafe
with words written -
throughout all of time...

For love is
what inspired -
the pain for the rhyme.


There's a cost
for living in a dream world -
believing the impossible dream...

For closing your eyes
and seeing things -
which can never be seen...

For hoping beyond
the sky high walls -
for seeing a rope to climb...

For loving what
can never be captured -
for wanting what can't be mine...

There's a cost
for feeling the raindrops -
while searching the ground for a way...

I've found it's
worth more than gold -
for which I have no way to pay.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013


It stings like a bee,
deep inside of me -
knowing it will never be...

It cuts like a knife,
I must do what's right -
I've nothing to fight...

I will just walk away,
on this dreary sad day -
no matter what I say...

There's no message
in those eyes -
I must let that dream die...

I stare up
towards the sky -
while I let myself cry...

as I wave to you goodbye.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


Now it is gone
just plucked away -
leaving me speechless
of what to say...

Maybe it's for
the very best -
maybe I wouldn't
have passed the test...

I just wonder as
it boogles my mind -
what even happened
is now behind...

Maybe I'll wake up
and finally see -
it wasn't sweet fate
at least not for me.

Friday, February 22, 2013


I'm so infatuated with you
I don't know what to do -
Don't know how to break through
and don't know what is true...

I think of you all day
I don't know what to say -
Just wish it would go away
yet come what may...

You awakened me
and made me finally see -
that laughter is always free
and it's alright to be...

who I am inside
no need to run and hide -
will I ever confide
I'd like you by my side.

Thursday, February 07, 2013


I no longer care
I still don't know -
how it even
started so..

I'm taking back
my control -
and letting this
whole thing go...

Random thoughts
unsaid emotion -
like I took
some kind of potion...

A sick spell
I'm snuffing out -
getting rid
of my self doubt...

by not even
going there -
I'm free as
I no longer care.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Fairy tales only
exist in books -
you can't believe in them
from a look...

Keep your feet grounded
if your head's in the sky -
don't worry about how,
and don't care about why...

The sun will shine
and smiles will come -
what's happened is over
what's done is done...

Don't let negativity
dominate your thoughts -
brush off the critcs
and believe that you've got...

Anything and everything
to break on through -
Shine in your own spotlight
and believe in you!