Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I'll get through -
I'll be ok...
don't even waste one more day...

things don't always
go the way -
you hope and fantasize each day...

Stronger, better
a lesson learned -
no matter how bad it burned...

Wasted thoughts
and wasted desire -
you can put out your own fire...

Accept it,
face it full on -
you will remember when it's gone...

how you took
your shattered heart
and made yourself a brand new start...

by getting though
you are ok -
don't even waste one more day!

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Push - Fall...
Get up again -
No matter what
I'm going to win...

Walk on bye...
look straight ahead -
Head held high
who cares what's said...

Believe in
the only you -
and do the best
that you can do...

when it's all
said and done -
the life you live is
your only one!