Thursday, September 20, 2012


Standing at the bottom
looking up -
how will I get through
this life and my luck...

Setting free a bunch
of empty dreams -
the more that I hope
the further they seem...

Ready to just throw
in the towel -
In order to move up
I have to start climbing now...

It's dark here and
full of pounding strife -
I guess it's no big deal
as it's only my life.


All alone -
this side of the fire...
left behind to -
quench this desire..

Did I do the right thing?
If so, why is there pain?

How to know which road to go...

Broken hearts -
a dime a dozen...
when you once believed -
what was really wasn't...

What about the memories...
living inside of me...

how to know which road to go.

Monday, September 17, 2012


A heart
torn into -
tears come
it's nothing new...

No longer
me and you -
and I'm lost as to
what to do...

twisted knife -
only to live
this one life...

Now to
face the day -
when there is nothing
left to say.