Monday, March 23, 2009


Yet, on we go
though we start slow -

and face each day
in every way -

holding tight
our precious few -

memories that ring true -
dust off the diamonds

to look new.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Yeah, It hurts -
and hits in spurts...

gut feeling -
tear flowing times...

they always say -
that the truth hurts...

and now it applies -
to mine.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Believe to Achieve

I have big dreams
with little bitty wings -
yet I'm learning to fly...

anything can be
that I dare to see -
the limit is the sky...

With confidence I'll soar
knowing there is more -
when you're flying high.

Monday, March 16, 2009


The rain came down
like a baptism
washing away -

the dust
the dirt
the cobwebs -

refreshing -

the air
the breath
the atmosphere...

fresh and new.

Monday, March 09, 2009


Like a fresh
breath of spring -
and all the beauty
that it brings...

I see the
flowers bloom -
reminding me
that soon...

things will shine
and be brand new -
speckles of hope
will come through.

Friday, March 06, 2009


Very alone and quiet
torn from the inside out -
left behind to question
personal self doubt...

Words will always pass
promises never reveal -
that the truth in the end
is a painful way to feel...

consequences from illusions
belief bound to fail -
they never really mean it
no matter who they tell...

take notes in the lessons
brand it from the start -
it will always happen
and break again your heart.