Thursday, February 26, 2009


I'm sick of looking down
to the same old ground -
I need to look inside
to see what can be found...

The world outside can crumble
I'll just have to smile -
I'm sick of being fearful
and living in denile...

there's nothing I can do
to unfold some saving grace -
I'm just another person
who has to learn to face...

The thing that I control
is the path that I travel -
I have to journey forward
and let the future just unravel.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Green is peaking through...

like a dependable friend -
what's gone will be back again...

the sun will shine bright -
with stars beaming at night...

colorful flowers will bloom -
spring will show soon...

Then sweet summer time -
laughter and smiles will shine...

Green is peaking through.

Thursday, February 05, 2009


You gotta chill
and keep your cool -
watch your words
don't be a fool...

noone can read
your mind but you -
what they think
doesn't make it true...

Watch your back
and be aware -
part of the thrill
can be the scare...

no matter what
it's yours to share -
keep it steady
your cross to bare.

Noone knows
your life but you -
live it the best
that you can do.