Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Choice

I gave my heart to Jesus
when I was just nine years old -
I went to that small church alter
and with that my soul was sold...

and I don't want it back
no matter their verbal attack -
the more they push him out
the more I believe just that...

for what person here on earth
can really do anything -
stop a tornado in its tracks
or dissipate a hurricane...

We're all at the mercy of God
each heartbeat could be the last -
I'm placing my bet on heaven
My vote has already been cast...

for now I'm in this world
but to me it is all quite clear -
written in black and white
let he who has ears hear.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Ghost in the garden -
the stars above her shine bright..

ghost in the garden -
she flees free in the night...

One with the quiet -
easy with the chill...

sneaking out of sight -
is such an erotic little thrill...

ghost in the garden -
shadow dancing with the moonlight.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Finish Line

Turning a pessimist
into an optimist -

trying to see a
glass half full -

that's always been empty...

turning a negative
into a positive -

ignoring failure
expecting success -

none the less...

Trying to look out
from what's always been in -

can't stop now
it's about to begin -

start to end.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Future Unknown

What if, What if,
What if...
always in the back
of my mind...

I'm putting my
thoughts to use -
for raw and real
this time...

I'm nervous
excited and aware -
I'll have to speak out
and share...

to bring this
dream to life -
and show them all
it's there.