Thursday, October 15, 2009

Slippery Slopes

Waiting for the phone to ring
watch the clock tick tock -
Can't think on other things
this is the best I've got...

Hoping every moment
that this dream comes true -
praying every day that
somehow the sky shines blue...

Listening to the pitter patter
driving in the rain -
hoping all my fears and hopes
don't end in vain...

Staring out a window
in the middle of the day -
waiting for the moment
to hear what they have to say....

because dreams will ride
the wings of the wind -
seems soon as they come
there they go again...

days turn into months
then months turn into years -
will the future hold the sun
or just more rain drops here.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Like a mouse to cheese
I hope they bite -
I'm trying and prying
with all my might...

Like a dolphin in a wave
I'll ride it out -
I've fought the good fight
I have no doubt...

Like an answer to a prayer
laid on my step -
I'm catching raindrops
without getting wet...

Like climbing a mountain
to reach the top -
You can't ever get there
if you stop.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


My life hasn't been
a bed of roses -
but I've felt the thorns...

My eyes haven't
evaded tears -
that can pour like a storm...

The lesson is living
with the cards you're dealt -
when you are born,

Turning defeat into
a victory -
praise from scorn.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009


I'm looking for my ship
I hope it comes in -
then this life of mine
can finally begin...

the light might be a tunnel
the light might be a train -
but it just might be a beacon
if I try in vain...

Stardust from heaven
roses for the way -
hoping with such passion
all I do is pray...

try with your heart
think with your head -
and watch as your ship
comes full speed ahead.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Point

I wish it were a smile -
that followed all the while...

it simply isn't true -
it's all that I can do...

to try to see the light -
put up that brave fight...

hope for better days -
instead of further haze...

useless wandering path -
my own internal wrath...

holds my head down -
with a haunting frown.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


I gotta keep my hope
believe in myself and all -
even Cinderella
got to go to the ball...

Imagination flies.
I have to grab the reigns -
The journey is quite bumpy
when you try in vain.

I'll hit the finish line.
I'm running until the end -
with them or without them
I'm choosing to win.

Monday, July 20, 2009


In some strange way
I envy you -
it is all now over
and done for you...

I hate to see
that you had to go -
your smiling face
I had come to know...

Yet now it's quiet
and you will rest -
it sounds quite freeing
I must confess...

No worries or stress
just sweet sweet sleep -
Goodbye my friend
your memories I'll keep.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Larger than life
your star shinned so bright -
sparkling and dancing
with that amazing inner light...

You lit up the stage
for an audience crazed -
to see such a vision
move in brand new ways...

You believed in the good
yet rode out the bad -
now you're taken too soon
from a world left so sad...

Soar and be free
from the constant infamy -
for the rest of us
you will always be...

Larger than life
a memory we'll save -
for the joy, peace and love
that you selflessly gave.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dial Tone

I don't want anything to do -
with the whole lot of you...

and I realize it's ok -
to let myself slip away...

for when they hold the noose -
you run away when you get loose...

free yourself of the hold -
and all that you've been told...

because the truth was the lie -
and now they sit and wonder why...

silence greets their hectic call -
when you're done with it all.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sky High

I've been climbing this moutain -
I think the top might be near...

I've gotten some feedback -
pretty much what I needed to hear...

Could a rainbow be forming -
colorful and painted wide...

Could the rain cloud be passing -
taken out with the evening tide...

Perserverance and patience -
a few tears lost along the way...

No doubt about it -
there will always be a brighter day.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Your passion dictates
what you do -
what you believe in
is what moves you...

When what's within
is truly there -
your passion leads
your every care...

Don't ever compromise
what you know is true -
for your heart will say
what you must do.

Friday, May 08, 2009


There's swine flu -
a fire might evacuate you...

Every ones living broke -
more are taking a toke...

Vicodine and pills -
overloaded with unpaid bills...

Faces stretched way to thin -
a literal constant joker grin...

Hating those who dare -
have views they don't share...

Boost those boobies up -
to make more than a buck...

I sit and watch the news...
and I agree it does suck.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


A pretty packaged bow
that I unwrapped today -
surprised in a moment
as if to say...

you just never know
what lurks around the bend -
you find a brand new route
thinking you'd found the end...

The future is a mystery
and you never can tell -
when you anticipate the worst
things might just turn out well.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Joker

Maybe it takes skill
to wheel and deal...

Float instead of sink
use a mind to think...

Hold that head up high
and look them in the eye...

Deal the cards again
until you finally win...

Surely it takes skill
and a rock hard will.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


I wish there was
a way to escape -
I sit around
and contemplate...

A wave goodbye to
everything that's here -
a new journey
in a new year...

Memories just
wiped and blown away -
they weren't that
great anyway....

I look out the window
and just stare -
there has to be more
out there.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


I'll hold my head high -
and let them pass by...

The feelings I have to see -
won't ever benefit me...

I'll never follow -
things that are hollow...

I've wasted too much time -
on worries that are not mine...

I can't see the sky -
without my head held high.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Yet, on we go
though we start slow -

and face each day
in every way -

holding tight
our precious few -

memories that ring true -
dust off the diamonds

to look new.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Yeah, It hurts -
and hits in spurts...

gut feeling -
tear flowing times...

they always say -
that the truth hurts...

and now it applies -
to mine.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Believe to Achieve

I have big dreams
with little bitty wings -
yet I'm learning to fly...

anything can be
that I dare to see -
the limit is the sky...

With confidence I'll soar
knowing there is more -
when you're flying high.

Monday, March 16, 2009


The rain came down
like a baptism
washing away -

the dust
the dirt
the cobwebs -

refreshing -

the air
the breath
the atmosphere...

fresh and new.

Monday, March 09, 2009


Like a fresh
breath of spring -
and all the beauty
that it brings...

I see the
flowers bloom -
reminding me
that soon...

things will shine
and be brand new -
speckles of hope
will come through.

Friday, March 06, 2009


Very alone and quiet
torn from the inside out -
left behind to question
personal self doubt...

Words will always pass
promises never reveal -
that the truth in the end
is a painful way to feel...

consequences from illusions
belief bound to fail -
they never really mean it
no matter who they tell...

take notes in the lessons
brand it from the start -
it will always happen
and break again your heart.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I'm sick of looking down
to the same old ground -
I need to look inside
to see what can be found...

The world outside can crumble
I'll just have to smile -
I'm sick of being fearful
and living in denile...

there's nothing I can do
to unfold some saving grace -
I'm just another person
who has to learn to face...

The thing that I control
is the path that I travel -
I have to journey forward
and let the future just unravel.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Green is peaking through...

like a dependable friend -
what's gone will be back again...

the sun will shine bright -
with stars beaming at night...

colorful flowers will bloom -
spring will show soon...

Then sweet summer time -
laughter and smiles will shine...

Green is peaking through.

Thursday, February 05, 2009


You gotta chill
and keep your cool -
watch your words
don't be a fool...

noone can read
your mind but you -
what they think
doesn't make it true...

Watch your back
and be aware -
part of the thrill
can be the scare...

no matter what
it's yours to share -
keep it steady
your cross to bare.

Noone knows
your life but you -
live it the best
that you can do.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Choice

I gave my heart to Jesus
when I was just nine years old -
I went to that small church alter
and with that my soul was sold...

and I don't want it back
no matter their verbal attack -
the more they push him out
the more I believe just that...

for what person here on earth
can really do anything -
stop a tornado in its tracks
or dissipate a hurricane...

We're all at the mercy of God
each heartbeat could be the last -
I'm placing my bet on heaven
My vote has already been cast...

for now I'm in this world
but to me it is all quite clear -
written in black and white
let he who has ears hear.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Ghost in the garden -
the stars above her shine bright..

ghost in the garden -
she flees free in the night...

One with the quiet -
easy with the chill...

sneaking out of sight -
is such an erotic little thrill...

ghost in the garden -
shadow dancing with the moonlight.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Finish Line

Turning a pessimist
into an optimist -

trying to see a
glass half full -

that's always been empty...

turning a negative
into a positive -

ignoring failure
expecting success -

none the less...

Trying to look out
from what's always been in -

can't stop now
it's about to begin -

start to end.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Future Unknown

What if, What if,
What if...
always in the back
of my mind...

I'm putting my
thoughts to use -
for raw and real
this time...

I'm nervous
excited and aware -
I'll have to speak out
and share...

to bring this
dream to life -
and show them all
it's there.