Monday, September 22, 2008

Window Panes

She cries
cries over him -
and she longs to go back
to their life back then.

She sees his face
and she can't erase -
how he left her
standing there...

smiling his smile
knowing all the while -
with her heart caught
in denile...

She stares away
in lived through days -
and she cries
cries over him.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I hold the future
in the palm of my hand -
I have to follow through
I need to understand...

I have to let go
of all that holds me back -
my life is mine alone
no more brutal attacks...

If someone holds me down
I have to set them free -
I have to follow the life
that lies inside of me....

No matter who they are
I will let them go -
otherwise happiness
is something I'll never know.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I know I'm where
I shouldn't be
in more ways than one -
I know I'm hearing
things for me
to take when I am gone...

and arrogance
rub me a different way -
I see how
their anger affects
their lives each day...

I'm here,
but in my mind
I am so far away -
any depth at all
as I keep them at bay.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Privacy Matters

Loud words are spoken
intent to sway -
people to vote
this or that way...

I have a brain
and my own identity -
I'll vote who I chose
represents me...

I don't need celebrities
or anchors on air -
telling me their choice
as if I should care.

I'll vote my own conscience
I'll vote my ideals -
strangers with a microphone
won't dictate how I feel.

I'm sick of their views
shoved down my throat -
me and my own views
will choose how I'll vote!