Monday, July 28, 2008


Courage is not -

the absence of fear
the ability to be foolish,
in the grasp of death...

Courage is looking -

in the mirror
acknowledging the human,
aspect in the unknown...

Courage is seeing -

the truth
setting a goal and knowing
that somehow, someway

triumph shines through.

Even if failure wins....

Life and death -

is the roaring rapid
through it all.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Song

A thousand voices
can not reach you -
your lips can't part
for anyone...

a thousand poems
can not save you -
your heart has saved
what you've become...

in your eyes
a sea errupts -
with crazy little bitty lies...

that over take
your heart and headache -
buried beneath your silent cries...

for none
can hear you
you stand alone -

for none
can see you
you can't belong -

yet still the wind
blows your hair -
and you can see vivid clear

it's inside of me
I've felt it before
and apparently...

I'm back for more.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I hold a bunch of balloons
that I will now release -
because the helium inside of them
I really can't appease...

Red, blue and green
to heavy a load for me -
Solitude is the price I pay
to actually be free...

of the anger and frustration
that constantly weigh me down -
to soar to where I need to be
I don't need them around.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Life's crazy
twists, turns, bumps and bruises
have let me know...

if it's meant to happen it will...
if it doesn't -
I will always have my memories...

no one can take those away from me.

My life experiences
that I savor -
now out of my grasp

faded photos...
wrinkled notes...
and long lost smiles...

do exist
if only
in my past.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Petals in the Wind

Your face is now
a stranger -
I don't know you at all

yet the pain
you must be facing -
is unbearable
I am sure...

may faith somehow
greet you -
may hope give you
a way...

to deal with this
unhealable heartbreak -
for you and yours
I'll pray.