Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I'm thankful
with flowers in bloom -
lightening bugs
will flutter soon...

The sky above
is a perfect blue -
the sun has set
with stars peeking through...

All is quiet
except the breeze -
blowing through
with the air of ease...

sets happiness free -
the birth of life
and the birth of me.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Furry Friends

Today while I did
what it is that I do
to save animals -

from a life inside a cage,
from a life without love...
in walked a man.

Just when I wondered
are there any
good ones left?

There he was -
and successful...

Called his wife
on the phone
and sent pictures to say...

he'd found the puppy
to replace theirs
that died that day -

a year ago.

Caring and so sweet -
him with the puppy as
the puppy licked his nose...

Reasurred me -
Reminded me -
Revitalized me -

there are men
out there who love
and who care...

He liked my
pink shirt and
said the puppy did too.

I was glad to be there
when you found
each other...

Good luck stranger man
to you and
your new furry friend.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


When the bridge is
long, high and intimidating...

I'll cross it...

Hands tight to the wheel,
head held up high...

No longer living
with regret of the past or...

fear of the future.

however your hands work -
how fearless your eyes are -
how strong your mind is -
how wise your ears hear -

Perserverance -
that is never overtaken with fear...

leads you on the road to

Monday, March 03, 2008


Deep breath
try to relax -
sit back and watch
the craziness pass...

Out into the world
on another rainy day -
so much to talk about
but not too much to say...

I made my move
with the cards I held -
I went forward
now only time will tell...

I'm holding hope
in the palm of my hand -
I'm counting on
supply and demand.

I'm putting my strength
in the one that I can help -
facing my future with courage
by believing in myself.