Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Million Miles Away

Get me out of here
about a million miles away -
can't face the future
can't face another day...

more bad news
just heading my way -
Leaves me high and dry
with nothing else to say...

My words don't count
and my heart doesn't matter -
Endless talks of hope
is only endless chatter...

Slapped in the face
time and time again...
take me to a time
when this will be back then...

Get me out of here
about a million miles away -
just pack up my car
and head to where I'll stay...

Far from this place
that is tearing me into -
away from more failure
and onto something new.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Why can't I be
where the land meets the sea -
where the air blows free
and the stars shine on me...

Where white sand meets a salty wave
and paradise is just another day -
for the ones who have never
lived any other way...

oh how sweet
that would be.

Tasting heaven and the locals know
the tourists pay for it's the place to go
to leave it all behind
for a natural show...

oh how sweet
that would be.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Slowly -
but surely,
I will put myself back together -
like humpty dumpty
or an egg at Easter
holes on both ends
to make something pretty
last forever...

Maybe I'll look back -
and see
it's all party of the journey.

Rough roads -
cracked streets -
hills, mountains and mo-hills -
that seemed like mountains at the time...

winding towards a paradise
I haven't seen or touched...


Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Nuisances and flies
I wish I was there...
I try to shew them away to
anywhere but here...

I wish I was free
to be who I want to be...
I wish I didn't have
all this responsibility...

As they come near
I go the other way...
I don't need to see them
none of them one more day...

I don't understand...
how I got stuck in this lie...
tear stained memories -
I stare out the window and sigh.

Monday, August 06, 2007



where people live
where the men leave their hearts
or lack there of...

where the millionaires
steal their millions -

where the healthcare
bury their dead
where the rich -


where those without souls
exist empty
where empty words of

non feeling humans -
destroy life...

why there are very few
that deserve

heart and soul.

Friday, August 03, 2007

More Tears

Precious Molly
across the rainbow bridge...

out of nowhere
there you went
back to your beautiful self...

always pretty
always proper
always had your blond paws crossed...

bright green eyes
loved the grass
loved the shade of morning sun...

I will miss you
as my son will
will you say hi to Bun up there...

as these tears
flow once again
to an angel gone from here...

Goodbye Molly
cross that bridge
run to freedom and feel no pain...

I pray one day
they all are wrong
and I'll see you once again.