Friday, April 20, 2007


The sun will shine
summer will be here
things might be better...

Joy may happen
on a trip or two -
and life might seem to have

weathered the winter.

The cold will be buried
on newscasts of yesterday -
with a forecast of pretty and warm...

Life might be measured
in cycles and phases -
clear vision after hazes...

and the calm after the storm.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Rain of Tears

The rain comes down
sheets of God's tears...
Gets worse and worse
with each and every year.

Why did he die
for these people down here...
they deny him and laugh
at the promise he is near...

Why does he give us
a sunrise again -
doesn't he see
how they always mock him...

Why does he let
us live on and on -
maybe this world would
be better if we're gone...

The tragedies would end
and the violence would cease -
and the stars could shine
down on a world of true peace.

Monday, April 16, 2007

April Snow

Oh Lord -
Help us
as we face another day...

More news of
so many have something to say...

But do any
the severity of it all...

How we as
a nation
are letting ourselves fall...

to the brink
of a has been
a selfish look at me...

instead of doing
what's needed
to keep this nation free...

from senseless
disease and crazy men...

and remember
where we came from -
take those vows from them...

and build
our future
on steps to higher ground...

where freedom, love,
and democracy is found.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Heart Paths

Just because you knew them
many years ago,
doesn't mean they matter now
things change - you know...

Sometimes it's best
to let go of memories gone bye,
Sometimes it's best
to let go of dreams that need to die...

People come and people go
Ties are always broken -
paths change midway in time
and new vows are spoken...

Listen to your heart
the direction that it leads -
and when the time presents itself
go to what it needs!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


It's ok
to let them all pass by...
the storms and the words
and the things that make you cry...

It's ok
to let your life be quiet...
to chose your own peace
and leave the others to their riot...

It's ok
to breath this life in free...
to do the things you love
and not take time to worry...

It's ok
to let them all go
if you need to release some frowns
go with what you know.

It's ok.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Thank you God
for my Dog!


Is this what happens
when you get older
your love for everyone
dries up...

you just don't care
if you see their faces
amazing what time
erases -

the good memories
seem so long ago -
and somehow they
don't seem quite so nice...

is this what happens
when the world
opens up and
sucks you into the chilly ice...

People are worse
and kids are meaner
no respect and a
evil demeanor...

noone has common
that's for sure...

is this a lesson
on what really matters..
because I can't figure out
if anything does anymore.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sleep Tonight

Run far away -
don't look back
over your shoulder
there's nothing you lack...

Start a new
It's inside of you -
free yourself
from all you do...

that's wasted
in a half hearted smile
You look away
it's just denial...

It's over...
been that way
since long ago -
nothing left to say...

It's over...
and it's alright -
close your eyes
you'll sleep tonight.

Wrap up'll sleep tonight.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


The storms roll in
on a Tuesday night...
I search the skies
will it feed my fright...

Another day
Now another night -
but what a
beautiful sight.

I feel the breeze
blow against my face..
if anywhere
this is my own space...

I'll handle this one
with dignity and grace...
it's like leather
outlined in lace...

puffy clouds of lace....

So rain down on
the Texas ground
I guess for now
it's the home I've found...

and even with
noone around -
I hear the thunder
what a beautiful sound...

I hear the rain..
what a beautiful sound.


I'm confused...
guess I should be...
maybe all girls are...

each year - every single one of us
turns another page
in the novel of live...

we all age,
we all get older,
we all get closer towards the other side...

but when are we old?
When are we done?
When are we used up?

When is our beauty gone for good?
Society puts so much emphasis
on our age, on our beauty, on our style -

seems with women
sometimes that's all that matters
in their eyes.

Are we just our looks?
Are we more than our age?
Are deadlines what makes our existence?

Does the time come
that we stay inside in slippers and robes...
tending an overgrown yard...

watching TV...
doing a crossword puzzle...
cooking another meal?

No men to love?
No fashion to follow?
Do we matter in the end?

Or maybe...
that is the reward
and the message our grandmothers send.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Grasping Reality

I can sit around
day after day...
night after night....
waiting and wondering when
it will happen -


I can sit around
and worry
and fill my voids with fear
of what it is
to come...


I can sit around
and worry about people
and what they think
of me
and my life...

I can let go of this craziness
this worry
this stress
this strife...

and live to enjoy another day granted
another chance to
see the flowers bloom
hear the birds chirp
pet my dog with love

and live