Tuesday, March 27, 2007

So What

I find my care meter
is quite broken...

I'm over almost anything
I've done before...

Boredom has visited me
for quite some time.

So I'm late
so what...
So I'm broke
so what...
So I'm alone
so what...

So I'm introverted
more than ever before -
with noone to talk to anymore...

Everything is overrated anyway.
So what.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Some people have money
some people have fame -
some people get by in life
with their last name...

Some people have children
some people are heirs -
some people live check to check
in the debt of despair...

It's an interesting canvass,
This portrait called life...
some people take the wrong path
some choose the right...

There are things we all face
being birth and death -
and the love we give or take
until our last breath.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Falls Creek

Today I saw the waterfalls
an hour away...

Yesterday I saw the lakes
the biking and relaxation
an hour away...

The media always
shows the negative
the hoplessness and fear...

when I got home it was waiting here...

but I will think
of nature, rocks and animals...
an hour away.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Sitting inside...
staring outside..

wish I was there!

Beautiful weather...
Beautiful newness...
Beautiful growth...
Beautiful what...

God does create!


The flowers are blooming
on the trees out my window...
reminding me that after the cold hard storms
comes the beauty.

Driving to work
I smell the fresh cut grass...
reminding me that after the thunder and rain
the new grows through.

During my day
I see a brand new puppy...
reminding me that even in the midst of turmoil
there is innocense.

Every day is a new beginning.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Dear God

I have hate...
yet God loves me...

I am insecure...
still God loves me...

I have secrets...
God knows them...

I have lied...
God knows this...

I have done wrong...
though God saved me....

I'm undeserving...
God thinks I am...

I am thankful...
Dear God!!!