Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Faith

You try and try
until you don't want to anymore
then you try again...

facing the same trials
that seem to wipe you down
then try to turn them around...

There has to be an out
for anything you're in
try - cry then try again...

Say it to your mind
a different day a different time
but it's still the same ole line...

As long as you try.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Don't let go
of the dreams you dream -
No matter what you face
let your light beam...

People will hurt you,
they'll surely break your heart,
but your dreams are yours alone
the best place to start...

living and breathing
and tasting a reality
that is one that you created
what you were born to be.

You can't depend on money,
you can't depend on man,
you can depend on your heart
and the way you take your stand

in never giving up
on the most important thing...
taking control of your future
and living out your dream!

Friday, September 01, 2006


Without you...
where would I be?
You are the voice
that sets me free...

You are the angel
the wings that I ride -
You are the rock
that I always confide...

You are the sun
that shines me a way
to security and peace
and a confident day...

So simple I know
but it is what is true -
my body and soul
will always love you!!!


The limbs sneak out
to pull me in -
the anxiety that always
welcomes them...

Breath in the calm
beg to relax,
try hard to make
the shaking pass...

but it hoovers
and the demons laugh
as I shake and tremble
praying for them to pass...

Peace of mind
letting go of the fear
that always seems
the be quite near.