Friday, August 25, 2006

Rays of Sun

It's like Church
on a Sunday morning
white paten shoes
and white lace socks -

sun streaming in
through the sheer curtains
life was
so easy then...

and it always seemed quite chilly,
and there always was a yawn,
but you knew there was safety -
wrapped in the hope of Jesus home.

It's like Church
on a Sunday morning
best place to be for

Going home
and the smell of roast
wished you had already
made your bed -

the fellowship
of likeminded friends,
a trust you'll
never know again...

Riding your bike
down the street that seemed so long
told to stay outside
until the guests were gone

laughter for everyone..

just like Church
on a Sunday morning
best place to be
for anyone.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Sometimes I wonder
if anyone has anyone -
are we all alone

and when you have someone -
do you really?
how will you ever know
you can't stop fate
you can't stop death
you can't stop random

So where does the happiness
supposed but invisible
come through
and from...
when you sit
in the midst of another

Stepping Out

sometimes depressed
nothing new
to help with this

stepping out
is so surreal
sometimes my eyes
are all I feel

hiding behind
lies and facts
my own mind
is my worst attack

yet here I go
though none will know
because I have
no one to show.