Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Music is like
a time machine -
it takes you back
in a daydream...

All of the sudden
you're ten again -
remembering exactly
what happened then...

You see the moment
you feel the air -
you're alive again
as you were there...

Drifting back
to that moment in time -
as the music fills up
you soul and mind.

Friday, October 11, 2024


I will just keep it
all inside -
and find my trusty 
hole to hide...

because I know
in reality -
it is all left 
up to me...

Silence echos 
in my ears -
to care less evens
out my fears...

because I've learned
it is not there -
and I've learned
to never care.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Patio Nights

I think of you
frequently -
do you ever
think of me...

Deep inside
I hope you know -
it was hard
to watch you go...

You made me laugh
and made me cry -
when we said
the final goodbye...

But just because
it wasn't me -
I truly hope
you are happy.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Green Light

I do admit 
it gives me pause -
seeing the scary
turbulent cause...

sends me in a
different direction -
with a lot of 
tough reflection...

If it is not
meant to be there -
then I wonder
exactly where...

I should be
or I should go -
and how I will
ever know?

Saturday, September 21, 2024


The curtains close
the clock is stopped -
the wood floor creaks
during the walk...

Demons hover
angels soar high -
the key turns quietly
as they die...

Sharp shards cut
the bloody flow -
secrets buried 
no one will know...

history hides
beneath the dirt -
as the haunted live
walking the earth.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Save it for 
the ride home -
save it until
you are alone...

You can let it
all out then -
by yourself
at least till ten...

Where you can
hide in privacy -
and let the tears
all flow freely.


Tears rim my eyes
as I feel defeated -
so many times
I have repeated...

Choices that kill
and clog my mind -
with people who are
rude and unkind...

I feel mistakes
have ruined my hope -
I find it difficult 
just to cope...

I don't hold belief
in anything here -
as I watch all
happiness disappear.

Dial Tone

Things are about to get
completely real -
I'm about to express
exactly how I feel...

What I will put up with
what I won't do -
what I have decided 
I will pursue...

I have one shot
and this is my time -
I will dictate
what will be mine...

I don't need anyone
ever at all -
my life, my choices
and my call.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Well here it is
it's been a year -
I'm kind of shocked
that I'm still here...

There is good
and there is bad -
I suppose it's better
than what I had...

Some things loom
in front of me -
All I can do 
is wait and see...

if the dream
becomes reality -
and that vision
comes to be.

Saturday, August 31, 2024


You would be
in your twenties now -
if the outcome had been
different somehow...

I wonder what
you would have been -
if that had not  
happened then...

The bathroom blood
my agonizing cries -
the trip up the mountain
when I heard your goodbye...

It was traumatic
it tore me into -
I felt the guilt of
not cherishing you...

Because when I did
and became aware -
it was too late
you were no longer there...

I pray from my heart
the sign was true - 
Don't worry mommy
I'll look after you.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Higher Roads

I'll work on my own
patience and empathy -
I'll try to snuff out anger
and offer sympathy...

Behind closed doors
everyone lives their life -
no one else knows 
their problems and strife...

So once again I will
choose to rise above -
and try to fill this world 
with happiness and love...

Maybe I will make
someone else feel good -
being the kind of person
that I believe I should.

Monday, August 26, 2024


I believe in me
I don't need you
to do that too...

I wonder to myself
do you even
believe in you...

People come and
then they go
this much is true...

but caring at all
what you think
I assure I will never do.

Outta Here

I don't know why
you're always so rude -
but I'm pretty sick of
your salty attitude...

You create things
to complain about -
you're a miserable person
inside no doubt...

I've decided to
completely ignore you -
I'll always avoid
ever having to do...

anything where 
you might be -
I do not appreciate
how you treat me...

I don't want you 
as any kind of friend -
so go be hateful elsewhere
this is my end.